Monday, May 23, 2011

I guess it's time for an update..

I thought I would be a better blogger... clearly, i was mistaken! haha! so just to update everyone..

-Blaine made it through another semester at SUU and so ready to be done!

-From today... 23 days till im unempolyed.... (bitter sweet) I have applied at Wells Fargo and US Bank, so hopefully something will turn up.

-Blaine is working at maverick a couple nights a week to save up for a new truck. We can no longer afford to keep doing repairs on his 41 year old truck...Blaine is kinda upset about it.

- I have gotten in touch with my crafty side for sure! I want to redo and paint everything! I'll post pictures of all my crafts when I'm finished! I am so excited and I call my mom about everything I've done! I have been so proud of myself for being able to beautify my home for very VERY inexpensive. And I'm thankful for Blaine for having the patience with me when we go into Jo-Ann's or the craft section at Wal-Mart. LOVE YOU BABE!

- Sorry guys... No baby yet.

I hate to say it but there really hasn't been awhole lot going on with us. I'm working on coming down to Texas this summer, so keep your fingers crossed! Even though it's nothing new, I am so homesick-- it's not even funny. I hate being so far away from home. But it's all about sacrafices. I am willing to stay here long enough for Blaine to finish school... but after that, I'm not sure where we'll be (praying to end up in Texas).

Monday, March 7, 2011

Finding comfort

Just in case you didn't hear... the bank that I work at was robbed on Feb.16th. I was the teller that he robbed. He handed me the note that said he wanted all my money that I had and he stated that he had a gun. I never saw it but I'm guessing he didn't. Between that time and the time that they caught him, I was having a hard time with anxiety and nightmares. That's when it occurred to me that I need to find comfort in something. So I started to read my scriptures. I can't even begin to describe the comfort that came from reading my scriptures and specifically asking my Father in Heaven to give me the comfort that I need. Blaine was a really big help through it all, and I can not fully express how grateful I am for him standing by my side to help me through it all. I looked up different ways to deal with PTSD ( Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ) and nothing really seemed to help until my lesson in Relief Society yesterday. My stake president gave a lesson on dealing with depression, anxiety and stress. I could not agree more with the lesson! There are 6 ways that help you with those things...
  1. Strive to maintain the Spirit
  2. Take time to PLAY
  3. Check for physical problems (eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and exercising)
  4. Avoid comparison ( don't feel inadequate )
  5. Be content with what's been given
  6. Live one day at a time
This has made so much sense to me! When I was reading my scriptures and continuously and sincerely offering up my heart in prayer is when I felt the love of my Heavenly Father the most. I was able to have enough confidence in myself to not quit and to continue to work at the bank. I love this job and I didn't want to give the robber that satisfaction of me "scarring me out of a job". I will honestly admit, it was hard to get through but I feel like I came out a much stronger person.

I want to bear my testimony of having a personal relationship with the Lord and being able to communicate to Him your needs. My testimony has grown leaps and bounds through this trial. I am so grateful for having a husband that understands my fears and stresses enough to help me. I am so grateful for the priesthood and that Blaine is worthy to have that gift. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and is aware of me, and my needs. I know this church is true and it is such a blessing in my life. I love the Gospel and it is what I strive to live by. I am looking forward to spending eternity with Blaine and our families. I love that about the Gospel. We will always stay together and not " till death do we part". I love my family and friends and for all their examples they show me. I know that we all need comfort in times of depression, stress and anxiety but I can witness to you that when you find comfort IN THE RIGHT THINGS, blessings will begin to unfold. Reading my scriptures and praying with my husband was the comfort I stood in need of. Alcohol and Drugs will only satisfy you temporarily and will not go away. They only bury the issue so deep until it is so deep, it becomes who you are. I witness to you that when you read your scriptures and offer up your heart to the Lord, he will bless you, and he will continue to bless and love you, and never fail you.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My personal challenge

I've been thinking about what the Gospel means to me and how much I love the security and consistency it gives me and so I am creating a challenge for myself.

Challenge #1:
- Strengthen myself spiritually.
  •    Read scriptures every day
  •    Have private prayer and pray with my husband
  •    Share my testimony as often as possible
Challenge #2
- Strengthen my body
  • Work out consistently. I know I'm not the most fit or skinniest girl in the world and honestly, I am ok with that. I have a family who loves me for me and a husband who loves everything about me (including my waistline) BUT it's not the size that makes me want to change, it's the fact that I want to be healthy and energetic.
  • Eat healthy and take vitamins! I can handle eating healthy, it's the vitamins that scare me a tad. They are so huge and so is my gag reflex BUT I'm not going to let that interfere! Eventually, me and Blaine are going to be pregnant and I want to be the best and healthiest Mom I can be for 'it', starting right from the beginning.
I'm only 20 and Blaine is 23, We have so much to look forward to in life! Who wants to be held back from doing activites with your family because you're not healthy enough or not spiritually strong enough?? I know I don't! 

So bring it on world, I'm ready to face the challenges that you have to throw at me with my husband holding my hand.

So to execute one of my challenges....

I want to bear my testimony to YOU, that I know that life is full of up's and down's but I can witness to you that if you continue to pray diligently and sincerely, life will begin to get a little easier each time. Pray about finding opportunties to serve others, or sharing the gospel with someone, and you will find comfort. When life gets hard, hold your husband's hand and jump in together! There is great strength in a marriage that the husband and the wife work together and not divide duties. I am so grateful for my husband and all the things he does for me, and for the love he provides. I am grateful for the priesthood and the blessing of having that spirit in my home. The spirit allows for me to harmony in my home and I pray that I can give that to my children like my mom did for me. I am blessed when it comes to families. I have the 2 best families to gain wisdom from. I love my family as well as Blaine's, and that is a blessing in itself to truly love your family. I hear so much "I hate my family" or "I wish I had a stronger connection to my family", I am so proud to say that I have such a strong love and connection for mine and his family. And I am grateful for that blessing. I love my Heavenly Father and all the blessings He has given me. I pray that you will be blessed in your life and in your up's and down's that you, too, may find comfort and peace. I challenge you to do this challenge with me, so that you may reap your blessings.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tis the season

I really need to learn to update more! I always forget!

Christmas eve was a blast! We went to Blaine's Uncle Jim's Christmas party. It was held at a school cafeteria for some reason. We had a big dinner with some games afterwards like "Mr. Right and Mrs. Left". It was really fun-- especially since I don't know that side of the family that well other than just a few people. Then we left to go to his Grandma and Grandpa Slack's house! I love going over there! They're fun grandparents! There was dinner there too, but I was way to stuffed and sick to eat again. After everyone ate- it was the same game! We played Mr.Right and Mrs. Left i think 2 or 3 times. After that, everyone was just hanging around, the kids were running around playing with their new toys, and having the best of time! The whole time I was thinking how grateful I am for MY family. I am so fortunate that I have the family that I do to share my up's and down's with. I love them sooo much and sometimes I feel like I take that for granted! My sister's are my best friends! They have ALWAYS been a constant reminder to me that someone does love and sincerely cares for me. All of them are my role models and I look up to them.. even though I'm taller than some of them if not the same height! Then it's my parents- the one's who show so much love and protection towards their daughters. I hope that one day I will be able to be just like my Mom, to have that much compassion, dedication and love for the spirit. And for my Daddy, he is such a great man!! I'm so grateful for having a dad that provides for his family above and beyond and treats my mom with the up most respect! Even though 3 out of 4 are married, he still asks what he can do for us. He has always been there for me and words can't even begin to describe how much I love him and miss seeing him every day! He is my hero (besides my husband)! And of course extended family such as my Memi and Poppy Peal and my Aunt Terry and Uncle Norm. We have been given this great blessing of family and love for one another! I may not be rich in money but I am truly rich in blessings. I am so grateful for my family as well as Blaine's family who are always there to support us and help us in anyway possible.
Tis the season to be thankful and count your blessings.
